Saturday, July 11, 2009


I loved the first day of our homework. I am excited that God is already revealing things to me and I pray you are feeling the same way. Have you ever seen the movie, "National Treasure"? In this movie there is a guy by the name of Ben who is on the hunt for what he believes to be the biggest hidden treasure in history. He is actually the third generation who has been searching for this treasure. It started with his Grandfather, then his father and now him. He was told about this treasure when he was just a small boy and it quickly became his life's obsession. Think about that for a moment. The search for this treasure became a part of his life. Of course, he worked hard to find it and there became great opposition along the way. His so called friend turned on him because of greed to find the treasure all for himself. I love this movie because Ben the good guy does win. He finds the treasure and becomes extremely wealthy. Not only does he become wealthy but he also gives a great bulk of the treasure away to museums and institutes to be shared with the world.

So, what if as a Christian who has put my trust in Jesus Christ and calls him the Lord of my life was that committed to knowing Him. WOW! Do you think that if we become obsessed with KNOWING our creator, obsessed with FOLLOWING Him, obsessed with LIVING for Him and obsessed with sharing His good news with others that He would be glorified through our actions. YES! I believe that some Christians today are living a life of mediocrity because He isn't first in their lives and in their everyday thoughts. So, at the end of the movie Ben finds the treasure and becomes very wealthy. What about our treasure that we have in Jesus Christ? Our relationship with the Almighty God is our treasure that awaits us when we really become committed, yes even obsessed with knowing Him. Teaching future generations to come the importance of knowing Him.

I want to encourage you to stay focused on our journey that we have before us. I am so excited about what God is doing and is going to do in our lives. HE IS OUR TREASURE! HE IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISED!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

As I have been preparing for our Bible Study tonight I have had a couple of thoughts I wanted to share with you. As you know we are doing a study on "Descerning the Voice of God". It's a great study by the way, I can't wait to dive into with you. If you have ever heard me teach before you've probably heard me say at one time or another that the Christian walk is all about "CHOICES". We begin our walk with the choice of asking Jesus into our hearts to be our Lord and Savior. Then we have a multitude of choices to make. Will we follow Him? Will we serve Him? Will we live a powerful Christ-centered life? Will we choose to live in mediocrity? Will we put Chirst first? Or will we put or career, family or something else first? The choices are endless. As we begin our study on "Descerning the Voice of God" we have another choice to make. Will we listen? Will we obey? I love the fact that God gave us free will to choose to serve Him. Oh how I pray that we all make the choice right now to be committed to our time together over the next 7 weeks to really learn how to hear His voice and how to respond. What a great opportunity we have to walk with the Lord side by side. To hear His voice when He speaks and respond accordingly. My prayer is that lives will be changes over the next 7 weeks as we committ ourselves to diving into God's word and gaining a more intimate relationship with our creator. May God bless you through your obidence to Him. I love you!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Life is Short

When I hear the news of an untimely death, in this case Michael Jackson, I can't help but re-examine my own life. Do you do the same thing? My mind will immediately ask the question, I wonder if that person was saved and will spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus? You know life is short. We hear that all the time and we probably say it all the time as well. But here's my question. What are we doing about it? Are we 100% positive that if we were to die today that we would go to Heaven? That's the first place to start. If you aren't sure, get sure. Invite Jesus into your heart, it's that simple. That part is simple. But here's my next question. Are you living for HIM? As a child of God that should be our focus. We are FREE b/c of our salvation. FREE TO LIVE FOR HIM! Live is short. Will you focus on living for Him?